воскресенье, 7 июня 2020 г.

Expertise: 5G-weapons of mass destruction

  Article by a Russian expert. Forensic examination in Samara, Russia:



443098, Russia, Samara, st. Pugachevskaya 73A,  tel. (846) 95-88-745, tel / f (846) 95-88-409 e-mail: at-63@mail.ru


g. Samara, Russia                                                                                                           05/27/2020

  Specialist, Anton Kolmykov, who has a higher technical education, Penza Higher Artillery Engineering School, special training in computer hardware and software, special expert training, experience as an expert since 1993, on computer and technical expertise from 2000 to 2003, Samara Department of Internal Affairs, ECC at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Samara Region, CNEAT of the city of Samara, certificate NoKAEO RU.SP.63.22242.01, conducted a computer-technical study of the following questions:

1. Can the software and hardware of 5G cellular networks have a negative effect on human health?

2. Can the networks 5G cause a sudden fall of people on the streets and (or) stop the process of breathing?

A specialist is presented with a video about events in China, “coronavirus”:

1. A documentary about the events in Wuhan, China: “Coronavirus in China - as it was. Fighting COVID-19 "https://youtu.be/pqGFpN4XVOg

2. International Open Opinion Exchange Microphone https://youtu.be/HRma160qaHk

3. People fall right on the street. What is happening in China, where the coronavirus epidemic broke out https://youtu.be/GaGY2ac0w7Y

4. China. Wuhan city. People are falling dead right on the streets. May the Almighty protect ... https://ok.ru/video/1888147147501


1. E.R. Rossinskaya. A.I. Usov. Forensic computer-technical expertise / Law and law. M: 2001 - 414s.
2. E.R. Rossinskaya. Judicial examination in civil, arbitration, administrative and criminal proceedings / “NORMA” M: 2005 - 655 p.
3. Big Medical Encyclopedia, https: //bme.org/
4. Aleksandrov Yu.I. The basics of physiology. https://bookap.info/psyhofizio/aleksandrov_osnovy_psihofiziologii_aleksandrov_yui_red/gl3.shtm
5. Physiology of nervous tissue http://www.bibliotekar.ru/447/12.htm


    In the late 80s, the US Star Wars Program was in operation. They threatened to strike at the USSR with a laser from Earth’s orbit. The media constantly voiced threats of using new types of weapons to large areas with the help of aircraft, including from the orbit of the American shuttles - reusable ships.

  The USSR was forced to join the arms race to defend possible threats. In this regard, military experts conducted a study on each threat and prepared an answer to the leadership of the USSR about the reality or unreality of the new threat voiced by the United States. Since the Penza Higher War Artillery Engineering School (PVAIU) was a specialized university in armaments, it was precisely the scientists of the PVAI that answered for a number of threats.

  Example: the US threatened that they would shoot down ballistic missile warheads, satellites with a laser, shoot at targets in the atmosphere and surface of the Earth. The answer of the scientists of the PVAIU for the Government of the USSR: “It’s a lie. It's impossible. Spending money to counter such a threat makes no sense. ”

  A laser is inherently a high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, because at the same time a version was considered that under the guise of a laser, other weapons based on high-frequency electromagnetic radiation could also be developed.

In relation to humans, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation can target neurons in the human body and brain.


Fig. 1. The main types of neurons. There is a nucleus, long and short processes of different lengths. The long process is the axon.

  The task of neurons is the generation and transmission of electrical impulses to the man’s body. Pulse transmission frequency: "... 10 pulses in 1 sec. and only in pristine irritations can significantly exceed this value. In interstitial neurons, the phases of trace hyperpolarization and subnormality are weaker, and they can be discharged

p3  at a significantly higher frequency (up to 1000 pulses per 1 second), (see BME, https: //be.org/index.php/NERVOUS_CELL). HYPERLINK "https://бмэ.орг/index.php/НЕРВНАЯ_КЛЕТКА).

Fig. 2. Schedule of electrical activity of a nerve cell.

  Thus, acting on a neuron cell, it is possible to influence both the entire organism and its individual parts. This possibility of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation from the 70s of the last century is known to specialists and is used to create various therapeutic medical devices - physiotherapy. The same can be used as a weapon against a person.

  The "technical parameters" of a nerve cell (neuron) can be described as follows:
- the nerve cell has a negative charge, the value of which is -40 -70mV, where 70 millivolts is the resting potential;

- the electrical activity of the neuron is close to sinusoidal vibrations with a frequency of 0.1-10 Hz and an amplitude of 5-10 mV.
- the axon length in the human brain is 150 microns and longer, and short processes are 50 microns and shorter (length 0.15 mm, 0.05 mm).
Changing these parameters will change a person’s state of health and may even cease functioning of the whole organism and its individual parts (organs).
In the "technical characteristics" of the neuron, a length of 0.15 mm or more is indicated. This length, from the point of view of weapons, is considered as the length of the receiving antenna in the human body. In order for this “receiving antenna” to receive an electromagnetic signal from the emitter, the wavelength of the transmitter should be twice as long (see electrical engineering and radio transmitters). Accordingly, the transmitter should have a wavelength of 0.3 mm or longer. Axons can reach 1.5m from the spine to the foot of a person.
With the transfer of the wavelength to the frequency of the signal, the values ​​will have the following form.


Fig. 3. The wavelength.

Fig. 4. Table of wavelengths and frequency bands.

For air, the calculation is performed according to the formula:

λ (m) = 299792458 / f (Hz)

A wavelength of 300 μm corresponds to a frequency of 999.31 GHz.

We are conducting a comparative study with emissions from 4G and 5G mobile stations. The claimed characteristics of the stations - the distribution of radio frequency bands between operators and radio services are indicated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1203-47 of 09/18/2019. “On the approval of the Table of the allocation of radio frequency bands between radio services of the Russian Federation and the recognition of certain decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation as invalid”.

5G frequencies in Russia

5G technology is already working in several countries around the world. In Russia, it is at the testing stage. For this, the State Commission on Radio Frequencies allocated the range 25-29.5 GHz. The indicated frequencies are unsuitable for commercial use and will only be used in test mode. There are still disputes around the 5G constant frequencies in Russia. Around the world, 3.4-3.8 GHz is allocated for this technology. In our country, this is impossible, because then 5G will interfere with strategic enterprises and government departments of the Russian Federation.

Wi-Fi or WiMax wireless broadband technologies. They operate in the frequency ranges 2400-2500 MHz, 3400-3480 MHz and 4900-6500 MHz. Source: https://kakoperator.ru/operators/na-kakoj-chastote-rabotayut-sotovye-operatory-v-rossii

In the text above, the font frequency 25-29.5 GHz have been marked in bold. This is the upper, highest limit of the centimeter range (see Fig. 4), which is unsuitable for communication, but it is indicated that tests are being conducted - testing. What is there to test if for communication this range is still not used due to poor signal propagation characteristics?

29.5 GHz is already a wavelength of 1 cm. Individual processes of neurons (axons) in the human body have such a length. Moreover, the processes of neurons from the spine to the muscles that control respiration - the movement of the chest, are in this very “centimeter” wavelength range.

If the work of 2G and 3G cellular communication stations was mainly frequencies in the MHz range, then 4G and 5G stations are already 2, 3, 4, 25-29.5 GHz. This is a frequency range with a wavelength of 15 to 1 cm. This is comparable to the length of the processes of neurons (axons) both in the brain and from the spine to individual organs and muscles.

A comparative study found that the base stations of the 5G network have electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength at which living creatures - people and animals - “work”. The established coincidence allows us to conclude that the software and hardware of 5G networks are weapons of destruction - they affect people and animals.

The allocation for testing 5G networks of 25-29.5 GHz will lead to the defeat of an even larger number of people and animals than it would be at a frequency of 2-4 GHz.


1. The firmware of 5G cellular networks can have a negative effect on human health. 5G networks are weapons of mass destruction, because "Work in a range of living beings."
2. 5G networks can cause people to suddenly fall in the streets, stop the person’s breathing process as a result of damage to the human nervous system by electromagnetic radiation.

1. It is necessary to initiate criminal proceedings on preparations for genocide in connection with attempts to introduce 5G networks.
2. It is necessary to review the existing network of base stations in cities and take measures to reduce them as much as possible in order to reduce the electromagnetic effect on people. The frequency range in gigahertz is prohibited for use for communications. A data transfer rate of 100 Mbit/s. is sufficient for 99% of consumers. Who needs more, those can use wired and fiber-optic communication channels.


Anton Kolmykov, CNEAT, Samara, Russia www.cneat.ru

5G,  Russian text скачать.

You can thank the expert (specialist) by transferring money to your Yandex account   https://money.yandex.ru/to/41001645822725  


A source https://cneat.ru/5g-en.html 


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