среда, 26 августа 2015 г.

Зачем Лондон взорвал Пальмиру и отрезал голову ученому?

 Article in Russian. Keywords: Obama, Palmyra, Khaled Asaad, Israel, UK, Rothschild, Rockefeller, isis, isil.
en-us text  http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2016/03/why-london-blew-up-palmyra-and-cut-off.html

  Всем известно, что "Исламское государство", ИГИЛ, это телевизионный проект Лондона. Все штаб-квартиры "исламистов" находятся в Лондоне и там же работают студии, которые показывают на весь мир сюжеты с Ближнего Востока о зверствах, где некий человек с лондонским акцентом с хорошим академическим языком выступает перед тем как отрезать голову мусульманам и христианам. Обратите внимание, не евреям!

  Так что же происходит на Ближнем Востоке? Происходит самый настоящий геноцид! Это военные преступления частных военных компаний, которым оплачивается за количество убитых, за разрушение памятников культуры и истории Ближнего Востока, за сожжение библиотек, хранилищ с архивами рукописей и документов.

  План войны известен всему миру. Подается это с разными тезисами для разных аудиторий:
Для сионистов:
"Мы создаем Великий Израиль до Ефрата! Это Земля Обетованная еврейского народа! Все должны быть уничтожены и надо освободить землю для великого еврейского народа".
Для глобалистов: "На Земле слишком много людей. Надо сократить население и война это легализованный способ массового убийства. Грядут климатические изменения и надо уничтожить людей и освободить место для переселения более цивилизованных народов вместо диких аборигенов".
Для финансистов: "Это война за нефтеносные районы, битва за ресурсы 21 века и за будущее экономики США".
Для религиозных деятелей: "Ислам это религия зла и религия войны, она плохая".
Для ученых: "Если количество молодых людей в государстве становится больше 45%, то они не находят работы, радикализуются самостоятельно и начинается война. Это процесс неуправляемый, закономерный".

   Это конечно всё интересно, но специалисты знают о том, что план войны был написан ещё в середине 19 века, когда ни кто ни о каких псевдонаучных выдумках даже и не знал.

  В 1871 году американский генерал Альберт Пайк из международной еврейской ОПГ "Иллюминаты" составил военный план. Были запланированы три мировых войны и различные революции по всему миру. Это должно привести великий заговор в свою завершающую стадию.

   Первая мировая война должна вестись с целью уничтожения царя в России, для исполнения обещания Натана Майера Ротшильда в 1815 году, за то, что Россия отбила нападение Наполеона и не допустила установления "Нового мирового порядка" - Мирового правительства под управлением Ротшильдов. Царь в России должен быть заменен коммунизмом, который будет использоваться для нападения на религии, преимущественно на христианство. Различия между британской и немецкой империями должны быть использованы для организации этой войны.

  Вторая мировая война должна быть оформлена как противостояние между фашизмом и политическим сионизмом с убийством евреев в Германии, и стать краеугольным камнем в ненависти к немецкому народу. Это сделано для того, чтобы уничтожив фашизм, который Ротшильды и создали, увеличить мощность политического сионизма. Эта война также предназначена для увеличения мощности коммунизма до уровня, который должен составить противовес единому христианскому миру.

(Сионисты плана не знали и посчитали, что Россию им просто подарили — занялись истреблением населения для создания еврейского государства в границах вымышленной Хазарии (сочинили такую историю). После истребления значительного количества населения в границах Хазарии, государство Израиль создали в Палестине как и планировал Ротшильд.)

Третья мировая война должна быть сделана путем разжигания ненависти к мусульманскому миру с противопоставлением политическому сионизму. Пока это будет происходить, остальные страны будут вынуждены бороться сами в разных войнах и с разными проблемами до состояния психического, физического, духовного и экономического истощения. В конце сионизм побеждает исламский мир и всех остальных.

   Итогом должно стать признание всеми Мирового правительства, как необходимое для мира и благоденствия.

  15 августа 1871 года Альберт Пайк пишет письмо, о Джузеппе Мадзини, в котором он заявляет следующее (в каталоге в Британском музее):
"Мы должны раскрыть нигилистов и атеистов, и мы будем вызывать большие общественные катаклизмы, которые всеми своими ужасами покажут ясно всем народам эффект абсолютного атеизма, происхождение жестокости и наиболее кровавые беспорядки.
   Тогда во всем мире, люди будут вынуждены защищаться от мирового меньшинства революционеров мира и истребят этих разрушителей цивилизации, а народ разочаруется в христианстве, чей дух будет с этого момента без руководства , лидерства и стремится к идеалу, но без знаний, куда отправить свое обожание, они получат истинный свет через всеобщую манифестацию чистой доктрины Люцифера, наконец-то выданной в общественном проявлении света. В результате общего реакционного движения последует уничтожение христианства и атеизма - завоевание и уничтожение в то же самое время ".

  Альберт Пайк - Великий Командор Шотландский Устава Южной юрисдикции масонства, в 1859 году был во главе самой мощной организации масонов в Америке. Он сохранял этот пост в течение 32 лет вплоть до своей смерти в 1891 году. Он также опубликовал книгу на эту тему в 1872 году под названием «Мораль и Догма Древнего и принимаемые шотландского обряда масонства», в которой он откровенно заявляет следующее:
"Люцифер, Свет-носителя! Странное и загадочное название Духа - Люцифер, сын зари! Разве тот, кто несет свет и с его великолепием невыносимо жалюзи слабые, чувственные или эгоистичных душ? Сомневаюсь, что это не так! ".

    Сатанизм и сегодня правящая религия в США и в Англии, но они это скрывают. Это сатанизм атакует все страны и сегодня. Еврейская секта Хабад (США) сегодня буквально имеет задачу "распространять свет", то же самое у сатанистов - "свет Люцефера".

    Таким образом, все должны ясно понимать, что все страны мира атакует международная еврейская ОПГ Ротшилдов-Рокфеллеров. Великобритания и королевский трон давно захвачен евреями и королева Англии это еврейская власть http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2015/07/history-in-heraldry-jews-have-taken.html

  Спецслужбы MI5, MI6 и Мосад работают на эту международную организованную преступную группу. Религия этой банды - сатанизм.

  В состав банды входят не только чиновники, но и часть спецслужб Израиля, США, Великобритании, Швейцарии.

   Из вышеперечисленного, ни у кого не должно быть сомнений в том, что это Ротшильды и королева Великобритании отдали приказ взорвать Пальмиру и отрезать голову известному ученому Сирии -Халед Асаад.

  Зачем они это делают? Они умышленно уничтожают население и в первую очередь образованную его часть, уничтожают историю и культуру, для того чтобы лишить народ прошлого, его духа и зачистить цивилизационное поле для внедрения сатанизма, как новой религии "Нового мирового порядка" - Мирового правительства. В России всё это уже было и Новый мировой порядок на самом деле это старый. Он вместе с сатанизмом уже внедрялся в России, мы всё видели и знаем. Новый мировой порядок это на самом деле наш старый знакомый - троцкизм, большевизм, еврейская революция в России 1917 года (http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2013/04/in-us-govern-satanists.html)

   Генеральный директор ЮНЕСКО Ирина Бокова назвала разрушение храма военным преступлением и призвала прекратить «культурные чистки» в Сирии. Она отметила, что нападение на храм было совершено через неделю после убийства археолога Халеда, который оберегал руины Пальмиры в течение четырех десятилетий, и уничтожения монастыря монастыря Мар-Элиан. Глава ЮНЕСКО подчеркнула, что новое злодеяние может быть квалифицировано как военное преступление, которое привело к огромным потерям для сирийского народа и человечества (http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2796083?fg).

    Юристы и спецслужбы должны наконец начать активно работать против международной еврейской ОПГ Ротшильдов-Рокфеллеров. В ином случае, офицеры армии будут считать бездействие юристов и спецслужб как их соучастие в военных преступлениях, в геноциде не только на Ближнем Востоке, но и на Украине, где так же войну организует и ведет та же банда против христиан, против православия, против славян, русских http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2014/06/2014-war-on-ukraine-jews-are-attacking.html

История развития еврейской ОПГ Ротшильда, согласованная история США + Европа + Россия за 200 лет кратко: http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2014/06/history-1800-2000-briefly-part-1.html

Обама: "Большего еврея, чем я, в Белом доме не было" http://maxpark.com/community/politic/content/3505432

вторник, 18 августа 2015 г.

Submarine Kursk. Сauses

Article in Russian. Keywords: Actions of the U.S. Army, U.S. Army war crimes, Russia, United States, Submarine Kursk, torpedo, guidance system, Germany, RAMSYS, Raytheon.


    On August 12, 2000 happened the biggest disaster in the history of Russian (and Soviet) nuclear fleet. During exercises in the Barents sea the submarine K-141 "Kursk" (project 949A) has not been on line in the set time. According to the plan of training from 11:40am to 13:40pm the boat was to launch a cruise missile and torpedo firing at learning targets (according to other sources only a launch of training torpedoes). On board were 24 cruise missiles P-700 "Granit" (which can carry a nuclear charge) and 24 torpedoes. Emersion, and establishing a contact with the report was scheduled for 13, or 15 hours. On August 12 at 11:28am Norwegian seismologists recorded an impulse with the force of 1.5 points on the Richter scale, taking into account the distance to the epicenter (175 km. from Severodvinsk) which is equivalent to the explosion of 100 kg of TNT, and after 2 minutes another one at 3.5 points, which corresponds to 1-2 tons of TNT.


A well-known Russian expert scientist gunsmith, doctor of technical Sciences, laureate of the State prize of the USSR Dmitry Vlasov in an exclusive interview to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in detail restores the picture of the shipwreck.

....Gennady Lyachin (boat captain) allegedly managed to send a coded message to the shore:

"On Board is an  emergency torpedo. Let me shoot..."

- I’ll start with the fact that the lost submarine lay on the bottom of the sea with a raised periscope. "Kursk", as far as I know, according to the plan of traininng was supposed to be at the depth of 50 - 70 meters. Its ascent to periscope depth means that there were some extraordinary circumstances. Apparently, the boat commander Gennady Lyachin was to inform the command of something urgent.

- But are such communications made through the periscope? The nuclear sub does have the radio...

- This is a typical question of a dilettante. Because the submarine has a periscope and retractable devices. Each has its own function. Optical periscope is needed to inspect the surface of the sea. Radar monitors over-the-horizon objects and so on. You can raise each periscope individually, or en masse. But what is fundamentally important is that the commander is required to encrypt the message to the headquarters of the fleet. And, as far as I know, Lachin did not encrypt.

- What message?

The most important one. Which is illuminating. I learned it not only from ours, but from foreign sources. I note especially: in our headquarters allegedly there is no official document confirming the recent report by Lyachin ashore on August 12. But such a document exists abroad. I have the text message published in the Bulletin of the American geophysical society. It says that the commander of the ship Lyachine received a radiotelephone report from the torpedo compartment of the submarine. The officer reported that the compartment has an emergency torpedo.

The command of the Northern fleet refuses to comment on this fact, or categorically denies it. Source: http://www.nasledie.ru/politvnt/19_45/article.php?art=15

  I.e., the myth of an emergency torpedo came from USA, not from the command of the Northern fleet of Russia. Well, if there are Americans, it is of course necessary to investigate. They did fly to the moon, didn’t they? They know exactly what the sailor said in the latrine to the Midshipman.

On the photos of the boat Kursk after lifting clearly you can see the outline of the dent and round hole. What is it?
   Seek information and find the film "Submarine in troubled waters", where the right information is given, this is an American torpedo MK-48.

Movie: "Submarine in troubled waters", 
   MK-48 is interesting because it accelerates and hits the hull of the ship, doesn’t explode immediately. In the head part there is made a construction for breaking through obstacles like armor-piercing shells and bullets –a core with a flat cut. Here we have a similar design. After penetration of torpedoe into the ship, it explodes inside the body, in the middle, between the bulkheads. This achieves the effect of tearing the ship in half. Watching footage of tests of the MK-48 on surface targets.

  When comparing a coincidence of damages at Kursk and surface ships is observed.

   Moreover, previously there was no testing of the same torpedo in real combat submarine  and the professionals know only about the tests at surface targets.

   In the same way the whole front of the  body of submarine Kursk was blown off. Bulkhead (supposedly strong) between sections 1 and 2. In the space between the boards the bulkhead between ЦГБ should correspond to it. 1 PB. 2 LB. Platform in section 1 A. A dent in the right board. A strong bulkhead seen on the photos taken from the right board

The Torpedo MK-48 Mod. 5 ADCAP (now there is model 7) - manufacturer: Raytheon company (USA).

Company profile:
# National Security
# Missile Defense Missile defense
# Precision Engagement Precision Part
# Intelligence , Surveillance , Reconnaissance (ISR)
#Intelligence , surveillance , reconnaissance (ISR)
# Process Improvement (Raytheon Lean6) process Improvement (Raytheon Lean6)
#Systems of air traffic control

   FIRST plus Air Traffic Control Simulator FIRST plus air traffic control Simulator, AutoTrac III ATM System AutoTrac III ATM system, etc.
# The Space tracking and surveillance system (STSS), is designed to protect against ballistic missiles, etc.
The same firm has main contractor: RAMSYS (Germany). System targeting, mathematics, CAD system, etc.
Reference: For over 35 years, the United States and Germany worked together. Since 2010, sales totaled $ 25 billion, www.raytheon.com.

    On English-speaking forums of flight crews of civil aviation they know the whole topic and add even more frightening:
The issue of the killing of opponents is very important in the United States. To kill Larry McDonald were involved the air force and the U.S. Navy. Even the Russians and the Japanese know all about this case, Korean Boeing, 1983. – was not shot down near Sakhalin but near the Japanese Islands by the Americans.
    It was necessary to kill the biologists after the investigation in Israel –they were shot down by a missile air defense of Ukraine.
In the US there was a problem how to kill without a trace, to be "clean"?
That’s why they made the script of September 11, 2001 "air attack"! After 9/11 there was formed a technical assignment for development of control units for aircraft with a "flight termination" from the control Center. These units are already installed on the aircraft.
Version: international Jewish criminal group under the control of the Rothschields knows that all enjoy aviation. Control of the flight is the "perfect way of killing" opponents, leaving no traces.

   August 12, 2000 at 11:28 am Norwegian seismologists recorded an impulse with the force of 1.5 points on the Richter scale, taking into account the distance to the epicenter (175 km from Severodvinsk) is the equivalent of an explosion of 100 kg of TNT, and after 2 minutes another one of 3.5 points, which corresponds to 1-2 tons of TNT. The first explosion was the torpedo, and the second "Bang" was the hit of the boat on the bottom. It all fits together.
   The Military of Russia is sure that the Russian submarine Kursk with the crew was drowned for two reasons:
1. Testing of the new German guidance system on an old American torpedo. The tests were successful, "she drowned", the U.S. military can put the proven torpedo on their weapons.
2. An attempt to make a third world war. Everything should be investigated thoroughly. All these cases must be open to the international community so that it is confident in its security.


by Anton Kolmykov
to reward: PAYPAL 

Ukraine. American Jewish fascists attacked Russian! http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2015/08/ukraine-american-jewish-fascists.html

Boeing 777 flight MH17 is a hoax! http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2015/07/boeing-777-flight-mh17-is-hoax.html

The Chernobyl disaster was a terrorist attack. Article for special services http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2015/04/the-chernobyl-disaster-was-terrorist.html

WW2-WW3. Revising Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2015/04/ww2-ww3-revising-nuremberg-war-crimes.html


суббота, 15 августа 2015 г.

Ukraine. American Jewish fascists attacked Russian!

  This speech [a letter sent to the newspaper] of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Chabad Leader and Messiah (the Lubavitcher Rebbe), was published in the Vologda newspaper “Slavyanin», N-4 (32), 2001 in Russia. http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2014/06/2014-war-on-ukraine-jews-are-attacking.html

    Following the publication, the court was unable to prosecute its editor, V.F.Popov, under trumped up charges under Article 282, [incitement of national hatred] as he operated on the facts, and several Russian scientists stood up for him, including Academician Y. K. Begunov and Doctor of Law O.G. Korotayev.

  This speech was uttered by Menachem Mendel Schneerson in 1994. There is much debate about its authenticity, as once argued about the validity of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” but it is an indisputable fact that almost all the goals, layed out by Schneerson, have been achieved by now. This speech is simply the application of Talmud to Ukraine and Russia. Talmud says: Jews should murder and enslave goyim worldwide. This speech says: Jews should murder and enslave goyim in Ukraine and Russia. Yes, the speech by Menachem Mendel Schneerson is monstrous. For a normal person, it is hard to believe that a religious leader can be a MURDERER, and that the religion can be THE IDEOLOGY OF MURDER. That is why, the text of this essay has every criminal passage from the speech next to the criminal passage from Talmud. The face of the Zionist Messiah also speaks for itself: it is the face of a TERRORIST, full of hatred and menace.

1. Our special tactics to combat Slavs is a secret knowledge, because of its exclusivity limited to the god’s chosen people. The main weapon of struggle we will direct against the Slavs, except for renegades, “married” with the Jews by common interests. True, all these “married to us” will be withdrawn from our society once we use them for our own purposes.
Slavs, and among them Russians – are the most unbending people in the world. Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.

2. Our methods of conquest will not at all be military, but ideological and economic, with the use of power structures, armed with the most modern types of armament for the physical suppression of revolt with even greater ferocity than it was done in October 1993 with gunning of the Supreme Council of Soviet Russia.
First of all, we will divide the Slavic nations (of 300 million, half of them Russians) into the small countries with weak and severed connections. For this, we will use our old method: Divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other, and suck them into civil wars for the sake of mutual destruction.
  The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us.
The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, “illegally” taken away from them, and so on.

 We will do all of this under the guise of different sovereignties, the struggle for their national ideals. At the same time, we will not give either party any self-determination, based on the national values and traditions.
In this war of fools, the Slavic moronic herd will be weakening itself and strengthening us, the main controllers of the chaos, pretending to stand aside, not only without participating in the bloody events, but also without involvement.

 Moreover, we will fully protect ourselves. In the consciousness of the Slavic fools (uninitiated), we will lay such stereotypes of thinking in which the world anti-Semite” would become the most terrible word. The word “Jew” would be pronounced in a whisper.

 We will scare the cattle with several court cases (such as the trial of an anti-Semite Ostashvili, followed by his destruction) and other methods (radio, television – frightening movies, such as revenge of the Israeli Mossad super-spies for killing of Jews). We will frighten the cattle so bad that not a single hair will fall from the head of a Jew, while the Slavs will be shot in packs, destroyed by thousands – on the borders, where the Jews do not serve in peacekeeping forces, via terrorist acts, and via criminal and professional killings [such as the acts of terrorist at Beslan school that took hundreds of lives, in the Moscow subway, and so on].

 3. Dumb Slavic people do not realize that the worst fascists are those who never and in no place proclaim fascism aloud, but, instead, organize it all supposedly according to the most democratic standards. On the contrary, we will make the very word “fascist” a dirty word.

 Everyone will be scared that we will stick this label to him. We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, making it strong. The slogan of “internationalism” is outdated and no longer works as before. We will replace it with the “universal human values”, which is the same thing.

  We will not allow any nationalism to evolve. And we will destroy by fire and sword all those nationalist movements that seek to lead people out of our dictate, as it is done in Georgia, Armenia and Serbia. Instead, we will insure the full prosperity of our nationalism – Zionism, and, more precisely: Jewish fascism, which, in its secrecy and power, is super-fascism.
It is not for nothing that in 1975, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which defined Zionism as the most blatant “form of racism and racial discrimination”, but repealed this resolution in 1992, because of our triumphant march across the planet. We have made UN a weapon for our goals of seizing power over “all kingdoms and nations.”

4. We will deprive the population of Slavs of their national elite, which is the one that determines the development of events and the progress of the country, and, ultimately, the whole course of history. To do this, we will lower their level of education – in the next 5 years, we will close half of their universities, and it is us who will get educated at the other half.
We will allow the Armenians there, Chechens, Gypsies and others. We will work to ensure that the governments of the Slavic countries would contain as little as possible of the indigenous peoples who will be replaced by our Jewish elite.

 In the mass media – radio, television, press, art, literature, theater, cinema – we will gradually push out national staff and replace them with our staff or, in extreme cases, the cosmopolitan staff.

We will undertake the reform in education, and limit the teaching of subjects that strengthen and systematize the thought process in the left and the right brain hemispheres:
а) Language and Literature, 
b) Physics and Mathematics.

 As for the history, there is nothing to say. We will give our own history to the cattle, and show that the entire human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the God’s chosen nation of Jews to be masters over the entire world.

 Instead of national values, we will give you a Balalaika patriotism and drunken tears. Our goal is to replace the Slavic elite with our own elite. We will not allow the development of science in Slavic countries. A core of scientists (Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people.

   We will not allow any high-tech industries, and this will lead to a complete collapse of the industry. We will restrict it to the production of essential items for a limited contingent of slaves, producing raw materials to us.
There is a lot of engineers, skilled workers and teachers among the citizens. We will create for them such conditions of survival (no jobs, high rent, high cost of utilities, transportation, etc.) that they will run by themselves to the remote villages in the North, where Russians are now fleeing to from the countries of the former Soviet Union. They would think it could be easier for them to live a better life. But, in reality, this will also be a hoax.

 Corrupt the youth and make them perverts – and you win the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your community of young people, degrading it with sex, rock music, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will strike at the family, destroying it, we will reduce a birth rate.

   Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly and openly. And it was an extremely hard work to do – to burn, shoot, to bury millions, and the like. He left bloody footprints. We act more cleverly: we will leave no traces. Reduce a birth rate at least by half – and you will be killing 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical effort. There is no need for ovens, ammunition, and graves. And there is no traces left. Not born – no one is guilty.

  We will create the conditions for life for criminals better than for working cattle. We will be releasing criminals from prisons, so that there will be more murders, robberies, instability. Amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers — in short, all but those convicted for “inciting ethnic hatred”, which is, in fact, the law against anti-Semitism.
We will sow fear among people. Cattle will fear for their lives, which will be worth nothing. They will fear for the workplace that could be taken away at any moment. They will fear for the future of their … We shall govern by fear.

5. These grandiose goals will be implemented in several stages. Already 85% of the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean ended up in our hands, thanks to confusing agreements. signed under Gorbachev and Yeltsin and that are not explained to the people (the general public is not yet aware of it).
Already, half a million Armenians reside in Southern Russia. This is our outpost. At first, for the purpose of deceit, we will declare the Armenian Republic in Kuban. Then, driving away the Cossacks, we will convert it into Khazaria – Israel. What will help us is that the Cossacks are constantly drunk, love power and are ready to fight each other for this power.

 However, there is still a structured organization – the Orthodox clergy. We will send there the members of our Jewish clergy, who will become Russian Orthodox Priests. Talmud permits them to perform the rituals of other religions, keeping intact their Judaism deep inside.
We will bribe the rest of them. And we will destroy those who will do not succumb to us. Russians no longer have any more or less organized structures, and cattle cannot unite and establish them, because Russian cattle already became drunkards and got degraded, and is incapable of structuring.

 In the last century, the United States purchased Alaska from Russia.  In the XXI century, the US will buy the entire Siberia, including the Siberian territory between the Yenisei river to the West and the Pacific Ocean in the East and the border of China, between the Arctic Ocean in the North and Mongolia and North Korea in the south. These lands are two times higher than the territory of the United States. Acre of land will be purchased for as low as $ 1,000,  and for the entire Siberia, the US will pay $ 3 trillion over 20 years. Annual payments will be $200 million, half of which will be spent on the purchase of goods in the United States .
Siberians would have to submit to s foreign influence, while the US looks nicer than the Asian neighbors.  In the end, Vladivostok is closer to Los Angeles than to Moscow …

 6. For all these activities paramount for us, we will give monarchy to Slavic cattle under the guise of “democratic transition”.  Everyone in the herd will get a puppet president. And the more glitter, noise, pump, the better! Monarchy is good in that sense that it directs all the energy of the masses into the whistle. Monarch will detract attention of the herd from our secret active work on the structuring of the population according to the system, necessary to us. President is a screen, seemingly elected by a popular vote (and we will forge electoral procedures in such a way that they will seem so that everything would seem legitimate), and we are going to do all our necessary business from behind this screen. The President will be endowed with unlimited powers. Through changes in the top ranks of security agencies, this president will appoint our people to the posts in the security agencies. Army, all the national security agencies, and all sorts of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means that they will be subordinate to us. We will have in our hands only the strings attached to the hands of the president. And we’ll pull these strings in such a way as it is necessary to the implementation of our grandiose plan of conquering all the tribes and kingdoms, their subordination to our superior nation, chosen by God of Israel.

 7. But money is most important. Money do everything. Money are power. Money are force. Man with money has weapons, most advanced weapons, and the army of mercenaries. Money owns media, which is fooling the billions of human cattle. Money bribe the people we need. Money eliminate those who do not submit to us.  Money bomb those resisting us – Iraqis, Serbs, and, in the future – Russians. Capital and taking power decide everything. We practice our skills in the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three millennia, and no one will defeat us in this. You [cattle] do not have money.  You [cattle] do not have power.  And you [cattle] will not ever have money and power. We will not give money and power to you!

 We hate you immensely! This hatred gives us strength to smile charmingly in your face. Our hatred gives us strength to win your trust and control you [cattle] under the guise of  “care” about you and your children, grandchildren and your great grandchildren who would never be born.
You (herd) are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, as long as you continue resisting us, you will be beaten more than it is due. If you obey us, there will be 65 – 70 million of you left, otherwise – 40-45 mln.

 The main thing for us now is to hold on for at least another 2-3 years.  After that, there will be no problems for us in this country (Ukraine and Russia). We will create such protective means that none of you will be able to oppose us.  We know and secretly control all that will be.  And no one can stop us!

Our plan

 1. World reserves of industrial raw materials are depleted, and by the beginning of the next millennium, “Western society” will not be able to retain its current level of consumption without replenishment from new sources – the colonial countries-donors. Therefore, our aspirations are directed at Russia now with the dual purpose: first – the elimination of the most powerful and independent empire, which occupies one-sixth of the earth. The second is the acquisition of its wealth, which constitute 60-70% of total world reserves of raw materials and 75-80% of open world’s oil and gas reserves that are concentrated in Siberia and the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean.

 2. The planet is under intense global warming. The desert is moving northward at a speed of 10 km. per year, dewatering of land is 25 m per year. Already today the ancient centers of the world – Athens, Rome and, most importantly, Jerusalem (Israel) are in a zone of artificial irrigation. In 20 – 30 years, we will have to think about the relocation of the vast masses of civilized nations to the north of their current residence. By that time, the Kuban, in the Rostov region, and Ukraine will have wonderful sub-tropical climate, and the north of Ukraine will have the climate of Caucasus.

 Looking back in history, it must be admitted that these lands are the ancient ancestral lands of the Jewish Khazaria, that is Israel, captured by Kiev’s Rus’ (the ancient state of Russia with the capital in Kiev) in the tenth century. The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state –on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small Northern Territory, a reservation with a compact population — a reservation, like Indian reservations in America.

  Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine" blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine

2014.  On may 2, Odessa - Jewish ritual murder! http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2014/05/on-may-2-odessa-jewish-ritual-murder.html

Boeing 777 flight MH17 is a hoax - Israel!  http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2015/07/boeing-777-flight-mh17-is-hoax.html


Russian defense. History:

The battle for the land of the Khazars. Crimea. History of 20th century

1939-45. WW2-WW3. Revising Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunalhttp://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2015/04/ww2-ww3-revising-nuremberg-war-crimes.html

Jewish Khazars is a lie. The real story of the Jewish people. http://russ-history.blogspot.ru/2013/06/the-real-history-of-jewish-people.htm